Sunday, January 13, 2013

January Updates!

Technology News
Edition:  January 2013
            Mr. Crain-Davis has some exciting news to share for the month of January.  This month, Sabin will be gaining brand new technologies and bringing them to the classrooms for teachers and students to use.
In the upper grades math and science classrooms, 5th – 8th grade, along with in the technology lab, SMART boards are being delivered and will be installed mid-month.  These brand new boards will bring new levels of interactivity to the lessons in these classrooms.  These boards will allow not just for the teacher to deliver new content to the students, but will also allow the students to be engaged with new types of lessons.  These boards are multi-touch capable and can allow students to use a pen and/or their finger to interact with the board!
Mr. Crain-Davis is also going to be starting a new group outside of the regular school day for 7th/8th grade students to begin working with Samsung Galaxy Tablets and explore the capabilities of these new touchscreen technologies.  The group will be a project team that will use the tablets to create different products for the school.  The specific projects will be decided by the team.
January is an exciting month for technology.  Look for the new technology around the school!

Mr. Crain-Davis